BARGAIN Cheap Rural Bulgarian property 25 km from Vratsa


  • Имот: Къщи за продан в Враца
  • Място: Враца (Враца)
  • Площ : 90 кв. м.
  • Градина: 1700 кв. м.
  • Спални: 2
  • Обзаведен: Да
  • Ref. No.: 3454


6800 EUR
13600 BGN

Най-близко Летище

  • Sofia
    154 km приблизително
Cheap, old, rural property located in a quiet village near forest, hills and fields 25 km away from Vratsa, Bulgaria. The real estate is situated within the limits of the settlement about five minutes away by foot from the local bus stop, shop, café-bar, post office. The property consists of a small, old house, an annex, barn and spacious plot of land bordering two streets – the main road and a side street with vehicle access to the yard. The main building consists of one floor with living room, bedroom and corridor. There is also a basement beneath. Next to the house is the annex which is attached to it. The annex consists of one premise which served as kitchen and living room. It comes with additional covered area at the entrance of the property. The barn is situated not far away from here and holds three more rooms which served as workshop, storage and animal shelter. The house had been empty for more than three decades and needs some attention like the rest of the property. The whole real estate needs a proper cleanup and the buildings require renovation. The current owners are visiting the place a few times every year but it is difficult for them to maintain it properly due to their age so they have decided that it is time to sell the place. The village where the house is located is about half an hour away from the regional capital city and seat of the local council Vratsa. There is regular bus transport connecting the village and the town every day. The area around is rural and there is no industry. The locals enjoy plenty of clean, fresh air, peace and quiet. Those who like fishing can practice at the lake situated a few kilometers away from the village. Those who like hunting can enjoy being after various types of pray in the surrounding area of the settlement and the near fields and forests. The village has two grocery stores, two café-bars, local post office, mayor`s office. A few foreigners have properties here and some of them live in their houses all year round. Cheap, old, rural property with good road access, quiet location and big yard located just half an hour away from big city in the Northwest of Bulgaria.


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Kunka is very very professional , polite , honest and helpful,,, I was about to buy a rural property in Bulgaria few months ago, and paid 1000$ , but an accident happened to my car and had to return my money back to contribute in repairs,, she politely returned them back on time,, but nearly I will buy from her Regards Mahmoud

— Mahmoud Aref, Egypt
  • Bulgarian House
  • +359 898 422 816
  • 6 General Skobelev Street, Kazanlak, 6100 Bulgaria
  • © 2003-2025  Всички права запазени.
Bulgarian House