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МОБИЛЕН НОМЕР: +359 898 422816
АДРЕС: 6100 Казънлък, ул. Генерал Скобелев 6
ЕЛ. ПОЩА: office@bulgarianhouse.com
СКАЙП: bulgarianproperties4all
I’d like to say in all honesty you’ll never get a more hard working kind, patient and hard working agent than Kiki and her team of course she really went out of her way way beyond her commission. I have a head injury that makes me a difficult person to deal with at times but she stuck with me though it all. Now I own a beautiful house and am in the process of buying another and plant to buy many more. This is definitely the best real estate agency in Bulgaria and I would highly recommend it to everyone. Kiki will allways mean a lot to me truly the most remarkable woman
— Matt Sara, New Zealand