Free eco tours lend variety to the holidays of tourists in Sveti Vlas


Free eco tours lend variety to the holidays of tourists in Sveti Vlas Free pedestrian tours along the eco path in the lovely summer resort of Sveti Vlas are about to start. The tourist groups are lead by a local guide who informs the tourists about the biodiversity and the fauna in the region in English.

Rare and protected species can be seen there. Some of them are endangered and they are part of the Bulgarian Red Data Book.

One 19-kilometer-long eco network that covers the foot of the Eastern Balkan Mountains includes three itineraries – ‘’Velichestven Balkan’’ (from Bulg. Majestic Balkan), ‘’Lazuren Bryag’’ (Azure Beach) and ‘’Hilyadoletna Istoria’’ (Millenia of History) is a major attraction in Bourgas region.

The free tours are made twice a week – on Tuesday and Friday from 8 a.m. The start is the central square in Sveti Vlas and then the tourist groups head for the selected mountainous tour.

The first route has a length of 8 km, the second one is 4,7 km long and the third one - 6 km. From the peaks of the three routes you can enjoy breathtaking panoramic views.

Ten new tourist signs and five information signs containing detailed information about the mountain, the routes and the biodiversity typical for the region are put along the entire routes. There are fountains with spring water, several summer-houses and shelters. You can find brochures about the tours in the resort of Sunny Beach.

The eco path is created eight years ago with the aim to popularize the pedestrian tourism and in order to inform as many people as possible about the unique nature in the region. A 20-minute film is made that aims to spread information about the mountainous area in the seaside resort of Sveti Vlas.

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