Bulgarian House presents you this cheap rural house in a village 15 km from Svishtov and 60 km away from Veliko Turnovo.
This bargain property consists of a main house,summer kitchen and 2 additional buildings.The house has one floor,2 bedrooms,corridor,a basement and a premise that could be used for bathroom, the walls are painted.
The house needs renovation.
The summer kitchen has concrete floor and holds a kitchen,a big dining room and another premise for a bathroom.The house is accesed by asphalt road,but the last 100m to the house is a dirt road.
The garden is clean and maintained and the soil is fertile.There are 40 young fruit trees and also a well that could be used for watering.The village is a peaceful one with views of beautiful meadows with freely grazing animals there is also a diary farm for traditonal Bulgarian yoghurt.
At 20 km away is the renowned balneotherapy resort of Ovcha Mogila.
Take this perfect opportuinity to run away from the stress of the big city and hide in the beautiful countryside of Bulgaria.