Аренда автомобилей Болгарии

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24 часа бесплатно аэропорт, доставка и забрать услугах, специальных давно предлагает перспективу.

Спасибо, что выбрали для работы с нашим болгарским Аренда автомобилей компании. Пожалуйста, ожидать от нас подтверждение по телефону или электронной почте. Для дополнительной информации относительно Вашего запроса на бронирование, сроки и условия, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами (см. страницу контактов).
Цены начиная с 15-20EUR в день для легковых автомобилей в зависимости от срока аренды и 20-25EUR в день в течение 4x4 Jeep Наша команда хотела бы пожелать Вам удачной поездки, счастливые и незабываемые моменты и отличные результаты в бизнесе с нашими автомобилями.

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Запрос информации о собственности - Квартира в Болгарии на курорте Ален Мак


The first thing I want to say is, thank you Kiki for all you have done. The first time we spoke to Kiki we felt right at ease. Because we didn' t know how or when we were going to be in Bulgaria we didn't let her know. So when we got there we contacted Kiki. Because we were only there for a week we didn't have much time. She immediatly made sure we could visit a house the same day. She called us crazy because it was 400 km from varna were we stayed. But we went. She could not be there with us because it was such short notice, but the next day she was. Kiki cleared her calender to make sure we could look at some other houses with her. Besides the fact she showed us some good houses we also had a lot of fun. When we went to see the last one it was bingo. So we would buy the house. Kiki made sure a paper work was oke before we left back to Belgium. Now not even a month later we can call ourselfes the proud owners of a house in Bulgaria. What Kiki did for us was amazing. Everything went smoothly without any problems. She is a hardworking woman,(sometimes to hard working), she makes sure everything goes smoothly. And besides that she is a great person. We know we have a new friend for life. When we buy our next house it will be with Kiki. So again Kiki thank you, you are amazing

— Bart en Annick, Belgie
  • Bulgarian House
  • +359 898 422 816
  • 6 General Skobelev Street, Kazanlak, 6100 Bulgaria
  • © 2003-2025  Все права защищены.
Bulgarian House