Аренда автомобилей Болгарии

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Спасибо, что выбрали для работы с нашим болгарским Аренда автомобилей компании. Пожалуйста, ожидать от нас подтверждение по телефону или электронной почте. Для дополнительной информации относительно Вашего запроса на бронирование, сроки и условия, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами (см. страницу контактов).
Цены начиная с 15-20EUR в день для легковых автомобилей в зависимости от срока аренды и 20-25EUR в день в течение 4x4 Jeep Наша команда хотела бы пожелать Вам удачной поездки, счастливые и незабываемые моменты и отличные результаты в бизнесе с нашими автомобилями.

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Запрос информации о собственности - Cheap Bulgarian property for sale in Konak Popovo close to lake


Any one wants to buy a property from Bulgaria he/she should contact the amazing lady called Kunka(Kiki), she is not just an estate agent but she goes beyond that from explaining all the small steps to the complicated ones, she is trying to do her best to make feel confortable about your choices and she offers plenty of choices and also she has reliable and trustworthy solicitors which she works jointly with them in order to make sure that your purchase is in the safe hands and not compromisin. Kunka is very patient lady who is trying listen and to answer to any questions you may have and also she will give the best advice which will suit your demand. Remember that if you are buying a property abroad so you need a professional, trustworthy who knows the local complicated bureaucracy and she will help you through it from point A to Z. Kunka doesn't stop only in helping you to buy a property but she does more than that she is willing to drive you around and pick you up from your hotel and shows you around. She will make everything easy for you from contacting a solicitor to notary registration. I am very lucky to buy my property through this lovely lady which she gave me a huge support in completing my purchase. From Salah

— Salah, Morocco
  • Bulgarian House
  • +359 898 422 816
  • 6 General Skobelev Street, Kazanlak, 6100 Bulgaria
  • © 2003-2025  Все права защищены.
Bulgarian House